Sexual Intelligence – Fascilitated Therapy – Turning You On

Sexual Intelligence Fascilitated Therapy SIFT is a process that explores the human imagination and desires.It is about experiencing and fascilitating them. It also integrates the exploration of feelings and the different types of emotions attached to fantasies and sexual scenarios by talking about them and then experiencing them in a specifically designed context and scenario.Then…

Enjoying the Fantasy Enjoying Life

I will be updating the website in June . The emphasis being on how we can all use fantasy as a tool for enhancing our life within the context of adult sexual play.not as a compulsive behaviour,or misinterpreted kink, that we have to hide away. The essence of my play and the service I offer…

April 2021 Lets talk about Kink and Covid

Hello everyone. A very warm welcome back,and a  HUGE virtual hug,right now,  – can you feel it?… I know, we all  have missed touch more than anything,haven’t we. Great NEws- My email system will be  on  from 12th April 2021 , following lock down closure,we can communicate again now. There are  limited sessions  available from…

Virtual Sessions and The world as we know it

Hello everyone,and,thank you for visiting the blog. I know you have all had a different type of journey over the last year,change,uncertainty,loss,apathy,frustration with society and the government  and possibly new feelings that you cant quite explain. I know I have. And you know what? There is no quick fix,or answer at this present moment,and with…

Reframing Kinky Play

Hello kinky people. Youve landed on this page to feel the kink,in all its wet  shiny glory,and the  warm dark velvet feelings of pleasure and satisfaction. I can hear you take a deep breath as you start to engage in the images of desire in your mind!  As I sit here in my tight body…